Swedish Massage
Swedish Massage is the most common type of massage used here in the states.Pressure is applied to the tissues and muscles varying from light to medium to firm. This massage is considered to be one of the most relaxing ways to reenergize you mind and body
Foot Retlexology
The Foot is the second heart of the human body. Plantar itching can explain higher sensitivity along meridians experienced in other parts of the body. A daily foot bath can not only keep your feet clean, but also smooth qi and provide a nourishing vigor and anti-aging qualities, enhance metabolism, improve resistance to external pathogens, and prevent chapping, chilblains, athlete's foot and other foot disease.
Four Hands Massage
Four hand massage is a type of massage therapy that involves two therapists working simultaneously, creating a choreographed massage. There are a number of different styles to choose from, with most spas explaining the options to their patrons so that they can select the style that works best for them. As a general rule, this type is more expensive than other forms of massage, since two therapists must be compensated for their time and skill.